Local Lore

It is no secret that relevant information on our history and culture has proven difficult to obtain in many parts of the country. Any available references are usually written by outsiders, in their own perspectives. In an effort to remedy the lack of such vital information, a movement has emerged to bring books to the people, with reference to local history and traditions. This work is now being used nationally as the main reference to data of the regions concerned. To commemorate National Book Day on May 17, Tempo English reports from South and Western Sulawesi, and South Kalimantan.


June 4, 2013

The Aspirations of Ininnawa
The Ininnawa Community in Makassar publishes books on South Sulawesi history and culture so people can learn about their own traditions. After one year the group nearly went bankrupt.

Nurhady Sirimorok still remembers how the book The Heritage of Arung Palakka: A History of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the Seventeenth Century was used as a guide for activists to sue the South Sulawesi provincial government. In 2010 the


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