Saving Balinese Plants

I Nyoman Miska Karyana in Denpasar cultivates various types of original plants of Bali. After ten years of efforts, his garden contains 30 types of unique plants, now used to decorate hotels and villas in Bali.

March 4, 2014

Lush gardens line one segment of Jalan Hayam Wuruk in the direction of Sanur, Bali. The sign on one of them reads Palasari Green. Inside the gate, rows of plastic bags sit next to a variety of potted plants of all levels of maturity, from seedling to fully grown. The labels read cainito tree (Chrysophyllum cainito), gowok tree (Syzygium polycephalum), mundu tree (Garcinia dulcis), Dysoxlyum trees and shrubs (Dysoxylum densiflorum), and many more.


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