Saving Nature Through Local Wisdom

The life rhythm of the Dayak Benuaq people were disrupted when a company barged onto their 12,000 hectares landholding back in 1971, claiming forest rights. They soon began to log in the forests of Putaq Malinau, which belongs to the Benuaq in Muara Tae, West Kutai, East Kalimantan.

There was little the community could do. "For us, the forest is our mother. It feeds us, not like a company which offers money that will soon run out," said Petrus Asuy, a Muara Tae leader, last month.

November 24, 2015

The life rhythm of the Dayak Benuaq people were disrupted when a company barged onto their 12,000 hectares landholding back in 1971, claiming forest rights. They soon began to log in the forests of Putaq Malinau, which belongs to the Benuaq in Muara Tae, West Kutai, East Kalimantan.

There was little the community could do. "For us, the forest is our mother. It feeds us, not like a company which offers money that will soon run out," said Petrus Asuy


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