Sustainable Forest

The mountains abutting the hamlet of Sungai Burung in Sungai Pinang, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan province, is mantled in green. Dense tropical vegetation crowds the base. Mahogany, teakwood and sengon (silk tree) flourish here, as do herbs like turmeric and ginger.

It is an abrupt turnaround from just 12 years ago, when the area was dry and barren, the result of rampant deforestation. Conditions began to improve after the local branch of the ministry of forestry (now the environment and forestry ministry), through the Banjar Union of Production Forest Management (KPHP), began to promote the National Movement for Forest Rehabilitation (Gerhan) in 2004. The program aimed to encourage locals to reforest the area with teakwood, silk and mahogany trees.

March 29, 2016

The mountains abutting the hamlet of Sungai Burung in Sungai Pinang, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan province, is mantled in green. Dense tropical vegetation crowds the base. Mahogany, teakwood and sengon (silk tree) flourish here, as do herbs like turmeric and ginger.

It is an abrupt turnaround from just 12 years ago, when the area was dry and barren, the result of rampant deforestation. Conditions began to improve after the local branch of the


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