Old Strings for the New Age

Traditional Indonesian music can barely be heard in the country's popular music scene today. Its instruments are fast being forgotten, with some in danger of disappearing altogether. Several young musicians, like Agusto Andreas Nagalang from East Nusa Tenggara and Jamaloge from East Kalimantan, are determined to make a difference: They are popularizing two string instruments from their respective regionsthe sasando and the sapek. Agusto has given sasando performances overseas, while Jamaloge encourages people in his village to preserve their musical culture. Both musicians recently performed at the Archipelago String Festival in Malang, East Java, an event to repopularize traditional string instruments. A Tempo English special report.

September 13, 2016

Popularizing Ancestral Music

Young musicians go back to their roots and perform with traditional string instruments from their regions. They aim to revitalize Indonesian traditional music.

THE hall of Malang's Kanjuruhan University was full on Saturday, August 13. Rows of chairs were neatly arranged in front of the stage, with only a few still empty. Most in attendance were students; others were academics, musicians and artists from different region


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