Bengkulus Vernaculars and Dialects

Bengkulu Province has eight local languages on the brink of extinction. The Indigenous Deliberation Forum (BMA) and the Bengkulu Language Office are trying to preserve them by documenting words and composing dictionaries.

February 21, 2017

THE sign pointing to Rumah Budaya (Culture House) in Bengkulu City reads 'Rumah Budaya Scuk Milling'. But underneath the ordinary alphabet are the spiky letterings of an old script, with sharp lines. According to Effendi, Rumah Budaya's owner, the near-forgotten script is Kaganga, an ancient Bengkulu script.

Effendi, who is also leader of the Indigenous Deliberation Forum or Badan Musyawarah Adat (BMA), founded Rumah Budaya Scuk Milling to preserve B


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