Cattle-farming And Pig-breeding, Anyone?

Cattle farming and animal husbandry are being taken up by young people in East Nusa Tenggara. Similar initiatives are easing the burden of unemployment in other parts of Indonesia. In February 2017, unemployment stood at over seven million, or equivalent to around 5.3 percent of the total workforce. One initiative launched by Plan International and the European Union is encouraging youths, particularly young women, to try cattle farming. The program is now in progress in South Central Timor (TTS). At the end of May, Tesiayofanu, a village located in the regency, was named TTS's first cattle-farming model village. In West Manggarai, Flores, Yoseph Leribun is developing a Cattle Village. Yoseph, who graduated from the Driyakara School of Philosophy in Jakarta, actively invites youths to farm chickens and pigs in the village. Tempo English reports.

July 18, 2017

Female Farmers On The Rise
Young women in South Central Timor are trying their hand at cattle-breeding. This is part of an effort to reduce unemployment and stem the outflow of migrant workers.

Small but with the bite of a chili pod, as the saying goes. Ivana Liunokas, an 80-pound, 19-year-old girl, does not seem weak when tending to her cows. She bathes her cattle twice a week, which means driving her 600-pound cows around two kilometers from


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