Rise Of Sumatran Coffee

Indonesia is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of coffee after Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia and Germany. High demands have led farmers in several Indonesian provinces to take initiative and develop their coffee into a primary commodity in their regions. In the Meranti Regency, Riau, farmers are eagerly introducing Liberian coffee planted on peatland. Meanwhile, in the Karo Regency, North Sumatra, coffee has risen to become an important source of income after Mount Sinabung’s devastating eruption four years ago. At the end of November 2017, the Karo Coffee Festival was launched to promote a number of coffee varieties grown by Karo farmers. Tempo English reports.


January 15, 2018


Coffee Post-Disaster

Before Mount Sinabung’s eruption, people living around the volcano in North Sumatra paid little attention to the coffee plants growing in their fields. Today, the region’s unique coffee varieties are gaining popularity.

The devastating disaster that struck North Sumatra in September four years ago is still fresh in Imam Syukri’s memory. Mount Sinabung in the Karo Regency erupted, breaking its over four centuries of sl


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