Premium Village Cacao

According to the Indonesian Cacao Industry Association (AIKI), Indonesia’s cacao plantations only yield around 340,000 tons of produce annually, while the country’s cacao processing capacity is now at at 800,000 tons. Seeing the country’s untapped cacao potentials, the non-profit organization Rikolto Indonesia is training farmers to improve their harvests, both in quality and quantity, and helping farmers obtain sustainable farming certification. Partnering with local NGOs, Rikolto is assisting farmers in two Indonesian regions, namely the regencies of Polewali Mandar in West Sulawesi and East Luwu in South Sulawesi. To commemorate National Nutrition Day on January 25, Tempo English reports.

January 29, 2018

Producing World-Class Cacao Beans

Famers in the Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, are producing internationally certified fermented cacao beans.

Halifuddin never used to give much thought to how his cacao beans were processed. Two days after harvest at the beginning and middle of the year, he would sell hundreds of kilograms of cacao beans harvested from his 1.5 hectares of land to middlemen.

"The price of cacao would stay the same beca


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