Millennials Take Care of Osing Tradition

Osing youths are preserving the tradition of recitation of Lontar Yusup poetry. They are also involved in the documentation of old manuscripts in Banyuwangi.

Purwani Diyah Prabandari

December 23, 2019


Luwih abecik sekehe (It is better than all) / cerita liyana nira (the other stories) / kocaping jero sastera linge (it is recounted in the literary work) / wonten wong kapir ing Mekah (there was an infidel in Mecca) / angucap ya Muhammad (who said ya, Muhammad) / sun anggawa tulis wahu (I bring a written story) / ujar andhe-andhe ika (so it is said).

WITH his eyes focused on the book on his lap, Naufal Anfal, 21, was reciting lyrics that sounded like


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December 23, 2019