Stirring Intonation

Something was different about the Qur'an recital at the commemoration of Isra Miraj (Prophet Muhammad's Ascension Day) at the State Palace in Jakarta on Friday in mid-May. Qori (Qur'an reader) Muhammad Yasser opened the event by reading verses 1-15 of the An-Najm Surah (Book) in Javanese intonation.

The reading by the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University professor recalled singing during a wayang kulit (shadow leather puppet) performance. Many present were taken aback by the reading. They questioned his choice of intonation, and whether it adhered to the tajwid rules on accentuation of words and syllables.

June 2, 2015

Something was different about the Qur'an recital at the commemoration of Isra Miraj (Prophet Muhammad's Ascension Day) at the State Palace in Jakarta on Friday in mid-May. Qori (Qur'an reader) Muhammad Yasser opened the event by reading verses 1-15 of the An-Najm Surah (Book) in Javanese intonation.

The reading by the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University professor recalled singing during a wayang kulit (shadow leather puppet) performance. Many p


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