Goenawan Mohamad
Poetic Ire

A little over one year ago, author Goenawan Mohamad in righteous anger pointed out to the Goethe Institute in Jakarta that Indonesia had done nothing to prepare for the Frankfurt Book Fair. "You gave us five years' notice. It is now year four and nothing has been done. A new government will be in place, with no time to attend to a book fair, however important. So I suggest, with due respect, that the German ambassador offer this honorable opportunity to Malaysia instead," he said, shocking participants at the meeting. The tables were turned. Goenawan was offered the position to chair the national committee to the prestigious event.

November 3, 2015

A little over one year ago, author Goenawan Mohamad in righteous anger pointed out to the Goethe Institute in Jakarta that Indonesia had done nothing to prepare for the Frankfurt Book Fair. "You gave us five years' notice. It is now year four and nothing has been done. A new government will be in place, with no time to attend to a book fair, however important. So I suggest, with due respect, that the German ambassador offer this honorable opportuni


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