Ancient Fossils in the Oya River

Thirty-three pitch-black stones the size of matches formed a long figure resembling the femur of a ruminating animal. A team of researchers from the Yogyakarta Archeological Center concluded: it came from an ancient buffalo that lived a million years ago.

Bambang Duhgita, 45, discovered the fossils while searching for precious stones in the Oya River, around 500 meters from his home in Bejiharjo village, Yogyakartaabout 1.5 kilometers from Pindul Cave, a popular tourist destination.

February 24, 2015

Thirty-three pitch-black stones the size of matches formed a long figure resembling the femur of a ruminating animal. A team of researchers from the Yogyakarta Archeological Center concluded: it came from an ancient buffalo that lived a million years ago.

Bambang Duhgita, 45, discovered the fossils while searching for precious stones in the Oya River, around 500 meters from his home in Bejiharjo village, Yogyakartaabout 1.5 kilometers from Pindul


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