Money can link all kinds of things, distant and close. It reminds me of the film The Cup.
In a monastery in the Himalayan foothills, a novice monk called Orgyen is suffering from an addiction to something worldly: he is obsessed with football. The World Cup is on, and France and Brazil have made it to the final. Orgyen and his friend Lodo organize their friends to chip in to hire a television set and parabola from an Indian trader in the village opposite.
May 26, 2015

Money can link all kinds of things, distant and close. It reminds me of the film The Cup.
In a monastery in the Himalayan foothills, a novice monk called Orgyen is suffering from an addiction to something worldly: he is obsessed with football. The World Cup is on, and France and Brazil have made it to the final. Orgyen and his friend Lodo organize their friends to chip in to hire a television set and parabola from an Indian trader in the village o