Three Letters
Three characters appear six times in the Qur'an, Alif, Lam, Mimand people wonder what they mean.
No one knows. Various interpretations come and go. Some say that the shape of the three characters symbolizes the path of human life. Others read them as part of God's 'mathematics' with numbers.
July 28, 2015

Three characters appear six times in the Qur'an, Alif, Lam, Mimand people wonder what they mean.
No one knows. Various interpretations come and go. Some say that the shape of the three characters symbolizes the path of human life. Others read them as part of God's 'mathematics' with numbers.
I do not know which is right.
I merely surrender. The letter Alif that links to Lam and then to Mim seems to show just how immeasurable is the connection between th