
In the conflict and competition between ‘left’ and ‘right’, what came to the fore was not embittered ideologs or tough guerillas, but the skills of political campaign managers, the competence of advertising bureaus, the canny display of clothing styles, handsome faces and slim bodies.

Goenawan Mohamad

October 25, 2021

“I SAY farewell,” Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara said to Fidel Castro in a letter Castro read aloud. “I feel that I have fulfilled the part of my duty that tied me to the Cuban revolution in its territory, and I say farewell to you, to the comrades, to your people, who now are mine,” Guevara wrote in the letter made public to the world in October 1965.

Castro and Che Guevara: a pair of victorious revolutionaries, the f


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