Indonesia's Own

In 2015, the themes taken up by Indonesian cinema attracted many moviegoers. In addition to making films about national figures, such as Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto (Tjokroaminoto, the People's Teacher) and Jenderal Soedirman, filmmakers produced films with interesting political settings. These included Di Balik 1998 ('Behind the 1998 Events') and 2014: Siapa di Atas Presiden ('2014: Who's Above the President'). There was also a film about religious tolerance, Mencari Hilal ('Seeking Hilal').

Certain films portrayed the lives of the marginalized. Siti, directed by Eddie Cahyono, was one such story, which romanticized the life of the poor in a fishing village. A Copy of My Mind, by director Joko Anwar, effectively captures the very heartbeat of marginalized people living in the nation's capital.

January 5, 2016

In 2015, the themes taken up by Indonesian cinema attracted many moviegoers. In addition to making films about national figures, such as Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto (Tjokroaminoto, the People's Teacher) and Jenderal Soedirman, filmmakers produced films with interesting political settings. These included Di Balik 1998 ('Behind the 1998 Events') and 2014: Siapa di Atas Presiden ('2014: Who's Above the President'). There was also a film about religious tole


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