Exploring New Aesthetics

IN the course of 2017, artists, both young and old, made great strides in art and literature. Their achievements are reassuring evidence that our artists have continued to explore. Fighting clichés is the primary struggle in art and literature. After selecting, discussing and debating with art and literary critics, Tempo has named several artists as the magazine’s art and literary persons of the year. In their 2017 inventions, we saw the courage to experiment, execute rare ideas and collaborate. These innovations were created with maturity, careful consideration and genuine skills, rather than with the intention to simply be different. We present Tempo’s 2017 Notable Artists.


January 15, 2018


Projections on an acrylic dome and hundreds of light-emitting diode (LED) lights formed striking shadows on the ceiling of the Indonesia Pavilion, both at the Arsenale in Venice and on the sixth floor of Senayan City, Jakarta. Video cameras simultaneously captured and sent live footage. The footage was then reflected to form similar light patterns. The shadows of people at the Indonesia Pavilion at the Arsenale are, in fact, projections of people


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