From Den Kisot to Patos Alley
By all appearances, 2019 did not produce many surprising works of art. Nevertheless, the Indonesian art scene still managed to come up with some strong gusts of fresh air, and several efforts were made to explore new aesthetic realms. Tempo invited a handful of art scene observers to select and discuss nominees before we elected them to become the works and our artist selection of the year.
January 15, 2020
LARANTUKA, July 2019. Teater Garasi presented a collaborative theater work between Asian artists (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) stepping off from a play by 19th century Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen, in the city park adjoining the Mater Dolorosa Prayer Garden. Peer Gynt by Ibsen has very rarely, if ever, been performed in Indonesia. In this initial performance, the work by Teater Garasi was produced with a unique point of vie