M.H. Thamrin’s Resistance from within the Volksraad

M.H. Thamrin was not the type of council member who would simply show up, sit down, remain silent, and collect a paycheck. The Tiger of Volksraad was highly militant and vocal in championing the people’s interests. His roar resonated as far as Europe and America.

Friski Riana

August 19, 2024

“INDONESIAN independence! Right now!” Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin shouted emphatically. He harshly criticized the contents of a petition submitted by Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo during a session of the Volksraad (People’s Council, equivalent to the House of Representatives) on July 15, 1936.

The Soetardjo Petition called for a conference between Indonesian and Dutch representatives to discuss plans for gradually granting auton


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