Bergabung dengan Tempo sejak 2000. Kini bertugas di Desk Jeda, menulis soal isu-isu olahraga dan gaya hidup. Pernah menjadi juri untuk penghargaan pemain sepak bola terbaik dunia Ballon d'Or.

Tempo's People of the Year 2024: Civil Movement
Tempo’s People of the Year 2024 are those who managed to mobilize the public to make a move. Instead of individuals, they are movements or groups, not only in Jakarta but also in the regions.
Special Report Edisi : Monday, December 30, 2024

Solutions for Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia
The increasingly overcrowded refugee camps demand improvements in the mechanisms for handling Rohingya refugees. The number of refugees continues to rise.
Asean & Beyond Edisi : Monday, October 21, 2024

The Close Relationship between M.H. Thamrin and Sukarno
M.H. Thamrin and Sukarno were often seen as opposites in cooperative and non-cooperative movements. In reality, they were close friends.