Sosiolog Universitas Negeri Jakarta dan anggota tim evaluator editorial Tempo


Ilustration: Edi RM
Ilustration: Edi RM
Ilustration by Edi RM
Ilustration by Edi RM
Ilustration by Edi RM
Ilustration: Edy RM
Ilustration: Edy RM
Sutan Sjahrir Pajamas in Boven Digoel
Cotidie Morimur. Ilustrasi TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
The Politicization of Dilemmas
Ilustration Tempo/Imam Yunianto
Ilustration Tempo/Imam Yunianto
Ilustration: Tempo/Imam Yunianto
A fried rice merchant passes by as a number of teenagers perform on the Citayam Fashion Week catwalk at the SCBD (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong Gede and Depok) zebra cross, Dukuh Atas, Jakarta, July 21.
TEMPO/Febri Angga Palguna

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