Lelaki asal Tegal ini menjadi wartawan Tempo sejak 2011 setelah lulus dari Jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Diponegoro. Sebelum menjadi pengelola kanal Nasional di Tempo.co, ia berkecimpung di Desk Hukum majalah Tempo. Memimpin sejumlah proyek liputan interaktif di Tempo.co, salah satunya "Kisah di Balik Terali Besi” yang menceritakan penyiksaan tahanan oleh aparat. Liputan ini hasil kolaborasi dengan International Center for Journalists.

Giving a Chance to the Vulnerable
Vulnerable groups such as sex workers lack access to Covid-19 vaccination. Their inclusion in the program requires hard work from the volunteers.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, December 27, 2021

No Positions for the General
After finishing his police training, Hoegeng became close with Sukarno. His relationship with Suharto was marked by a number of conflicts.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, August 16, 2021

The High Cost of Waste
THE Rp55.8 trillion price tag for 51.2 percent of Freeport Indonesia stock purchased by the Indonesian government is nothing compared to the environmental damage which has resulted from gold mining tailings which have polluted rivers, damaged sago fi elds, and isolated the local Papuans.