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Lulus dari Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Padjadjaran tahun 2015 dan bergabung dengan Tempo di tahun yang sama. Kini meliput isu seputar ekonomi dan bisnis. Salah satu host siniar Jelasin Dong! di YouTube Tempodotco


Round teak logging area at Gadung Forest Management Resort, North Banjar, West Java, April 8, 2021.
ANTARA/Adeng Bustomi
Land clearing for sugarcane plantation in Tanah Miring district, South Papua, September 4, 2024. TEMPO/George William Piri
A woman accesses the Peruri website to check the requirements for e-Meterai or Electronic Stamp transactions in Jakarta.
TEMPO/Fardi Bestari
President Commissioner of Vale Indonesia Deshnee Naidoo (third left), CEO of MIND ID Hendi Prio Santoso (third right) and Executive Officer of Sumitomo Metal Mining Yusuke Niwa (second right) sign the document on Vale Indonesia divestment share takeover, witnessed by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (right), State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir (second left), and SOEs Deputy Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo (left) in Jakarta, February 26.
ANTARA/Indrianto Eko Suwarso
A worker loads palm oil fresh fruit bunches onto a truck in Tarailu, Mamuju, West Sulawesi, in May.
Yon Arsal, Expert Staff to the Finance Minister for Tax Compliance.
Vice President Director of PT Archi Indonesia Tbk., Rudy Suhendra. 
Archi Indonesia Doc.
Lamon Rutten, CEO of the Indonesian Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (ICDX).
Excavators pile coal at a storage area in the Suralaya Power Plant in Banten, January 2010.
Reuters/Dadang Tri/File Photo
Pertamina CEO Nicke Widyawati at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, April 2021. Tempo/M Taufan Rengganis

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