Between Love, Dreams, and Tradition
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
From those closest to her, Kartini received love and acquired knowledge. From the same circle she also experienced the bitterness of tradition. Her grandfather and her brotheran accomplished polyglot and war correspondentaroused Kartini's dreams for higher education. But her father, whom she loved dearly, shattered his favorite daughter's youthful dreams to further her studies in Europe.
To her friends in the Netherlands, Kartini opened her heart about the pressures of traditional customs and her longing for equal rights for men and women, something impossible at the time. The ideas and concepts expressed in letters and later revealed in Door Duisternis Tot Licht (From Darkness to Light) did not emerge from an empty space.
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Respect and Regret
Kartini admired her grandfather, a regent who had received a Western education. She was disappointed by her father, who was hesitant about sending her to school in the Netherlands.
The two graves with stone markers are not covered by a roof. Located to the right of the entrance, they are separated from the graves of the royal family of Demak. These are the graves of Tjondronegoro IV, and his wife in the Complex of the Great Mosqu
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