Wiji Thukul was constantly on the move. He fled from Solo to Salatiga, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Jakarta, and Kalimantan. In hiding, he continued to be involved in actions opposing Suharto's New Order regime, coordinating workers and producing anti-government posters and flyers. He also never stopped writing poetry and short stories. "If your friends ask / why the police are after your father / just answer: / 'because my father is a brave man," he wrote to his daughter, Fitri Nganthi Wani, while on the run. He has been missing since May 1998.
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Getup and Go From Solo, Thukul fled to locations in Yogyakarta, Magelang and Salatiga, getting tips on how to travel incognito from Arief Budiman.
The sun was high when Wiji Thukul stepped out of his rented home in Kampung Kalangan, Solo. It was early August 1996. News about the People's Democratic Party (PRD), which the New Order government had denounced, labeling it a leftist organization, was rebroadcast again and again on television. "He wasn
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