Lekra's efforts to promote folk art and go against the mainstream were better organized following the 1st National Congress. They became even more solid with the subsequent '1-5-1 Principle', which developed into a guidance for Lekra's cultural movement and work direction. Adopting a hands-on approach, Lekra encouraged writers, painters, sculptors, composers and artists to explore the theme 'Life and Struggle of the Working People'. Cultural publications and the media, such as Harian Rakjat and Bintang Timoer, helped disseminate their work and thoughts.
arsip tempo : 174203883941.
. tempo : 174203883941.
Principled Expansion The 1st Lekra congress in Solo was successful because it resulted in the formulation of the 1-5-1 Principle. In line with this, Lekra developed in a more systematic and organic manner.
THE Sriwedari Park on Jalan Brigjen Slamet Riyadi No. 275, Surakarta, is putting on a great celebration. Archways are decorated with paintings. Poles flying Indonesian flags and banners stand tall along the side of the roads. In the park area,
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