Silent Treatment
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
EVEN though it was just 8:15am, the scorching heat could be felt at the area where the Rohingya and other Muslim residents live on the outskirts of Sittwe. Sadak Hosain spoke first. "Last night the police paid me a visit," he said. According to the resident of Dapaing village, the police questioned him for about 20 minutes about his foreign guest. That day, Sadak and Tempo visited parts of a local refugee camp for internally displaced persons, both registered and unregistered.
EVEN though it was just 8:15am, the scorching heat could be felt at the area where the Rohingya and other Muslim residents live on the outskirts of Sittwe. Sadak Hosain spoke first. "Last night the police paid me a visit," he said. According to the resident of Dapaing village, the police questioned him for about 20 minutes about his foreign guest. That day, Sadak and Tempo visited parts of a local refugee camp for internally displaced persons, both
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