Januminro Bunsal
Fighting Fires with Wells
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
IT was 2am. Januminro Bunsal, 54, still had not left the site of a peatland fire near Tumbang Nusa village in Pulang Pisau regency, Central Kalimantan. He and his team of volunteers were trying hard to control it. "He was with us night and day," said Gunawan, 54, a Tumbang Nusa villager, told Tempo two weeks ago.
The area of the blaze Januminro and his team was working on was not large compared to the total area razed in Central Kalimantan. Data from the environment and forestry ministries show at least 26,664 hectares of peatland in the province was torched between August to October this year. Januminro and team's fire spread over 500 hectares of land.
IT was 2am. Januminro Bunsal, 54, still had not left the site of a peatland fire near Tumbang Nusa village in Pulang Pisau regency, Central Kalimantan. He and his team of volunteers were trying hard to control it. "He was with us night and day," said Gunawan, 54, a Tumbang Nusa villager, told Tempo two weeks ago.
The area of the blaze Januminro and his team was working on was not large compared to the total area razed in Central Kalimantan. Data f
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