It is hoped that the digital economy will do wonders for economic growth. Investment activities and expenditures in this sector have somewhat soothed concerns over fluctuating commodity prices. Outside Indonesia, this sector has been the solution for global economic sluggishness and a magnet for increased foreign and domestic investment. As the financial ecosystem begins to stabilize, along with the addition of some regulations and policies being prepared by the government, the digital economy could far exceed projections.
arsip tempo : 174304511269.
. tempo : 174304511269.
Indonesia is slowly becoming the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia. Two years ago, just 7.4 million had shopped online, with transactions totaling Rp48 trillion. Last year, this increased to 11 million online shoppers with transactions totaling Rp68 trillion. It is estimated that this year's total online shopping transactions will reach Rp95.48 trillion.
Those numbers are just for online sales (e-commerce). This growth in digital-based s
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