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Showdown at the Mines

Monday, April 9, 2018

The military and law enforcement are involved in a mining company dispute in South Kalimantan. Andi Syamsuddin Arsyad, alias Haji Isam, is accused of using the governor to decimate his opponent's business. Gatot Nurmantyo is also alleged to be involved.

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A photograph of Effendy Tios standing next to National Police Deputy Chief Comsr. Gen. Syafruddin hangs on the wall of the office of Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores (SILO) in Pluit, North Jakarta. Syafruddin is dressed in his police uniform, while Effendy is wearing a long-sleeved batik shirt. They are both expressionless in the photo.

Prints of the photo also hang in two meeting rooms. One hangs in a ground floor meeting room at SILO's office. Anothe


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