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NU’s Woes

Monday, November 4, 2019

Relationship between the Palace and the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is suffering due to the lack of the latter’s representatives in the Indonesia Progress cabinet. NU rejects the belief that ministers from the National Awakening Party sufficiently represent the organization. The vice-presidency is said to equal five ministerial seats.

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President Joko Widodo at the National Ulema Assembly and Nahdlatul Ulama Grand Conference in the city of Banjar, West Java, last February. ANTARA. tempo : 172206156197.

IN a joint prayer event for a “Safe and Peaceful Indonesia” at the Nahdlatul Ulama Central Board (PBNU) office on Wednesday, October 30, Aqil Siroj Mahrus Ali told a story about two prominent NU figures. According to the NU general chairperson, in the days of Kiai Hasyim and Kiai Mahrus, now deceased, the two men rejected positions offered by the government.

Hasyim Asy’ari refused to become minister of religious affairs in the


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