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Mining Scandal of Trade Minister

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto has been reported to the police for alleged fraud and embezzlement. The property businessman once partnered with current Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung on the mining and transport of Aneka Tambang’s nickel ore in 2001-2014. The case has exposed an alleged markup of the project’s value with a fantastical profit of up to Rp2.9 trillion. Furthermore, the mining project leaves massive environmental destruction in Tanjung Buli, North Maluku, in its trail.

arsip tempo : 172206855865.

Former location of Yudistira Bumi Bhakti’s office, now the site for the construction of a nickel ore processing mill, in Buli, Maba, East Halmahera, North Maluku. TEMPO. tempo : 172206855865.

ON February 3, residents of Buli village, East Halmahera, were shocked by a news circulating on online media on the reported alleged fraud and embezzlement at Yudistira Bumi Bhakti. The name of the nickel mining company has been more than familiar to the residents of the isolated village in the North Maluku Province since 2001. Yudistira began mining nickel in their village almost 20 years ago. Since then, villagers have complained about the dete


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