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Pressure from the Police and Prosecutors

Monday, December 4, 2023

There are indications the police are helping the Prabowo-Gibran presidential election campaign. They are allegedly pressuring the supporters of the Ganjar and Anies campaigns, from village heads to business owners.

arsip tempo : 172206355674.

A police officer supervises the transfer of ballot boxes to the Regional General Elections Commission office in Medan, North Sumatra, November 21. ANTARA/Fransisco Carolio . tempo : 172206355674.

THE plan of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md. to visit his hometown in Madura, East Java, on Saturday, November 18, was cancelled. This vice-presidential running mate of Ganjar Pranowo was originally going to launch an outreach event for the 2024 General Elections with the Association of Village Heads (AKD) in the Bangkalan Regency. However, before the event, a number of village heads who were going t


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Francisca Christy Rosana, Raymundus Rikang, Hussein Abri Dongoran, and Septhia Ryantie contribute to this article.

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