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Major Budget for Major Program

Monday, May 13, 2024

The government is exploring a variety of options to finance the free lunch program. There are plans to cut subsidies and raise debt.

arsip tempo : 171983214282.

President Joko Widodo delivers his remarks at the 2024 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas), at the Jakarta Convention Center, May 6. BPMI Setpres/Vico . tempo : 171983214282.

LED by Burhanuddin Abdullah, former Governor of Bank Indonesia in 2003-2008, the Prabowo Subianto Assistance Team visited the Ministry of Finance office in mid-April. They intended to discuss Prabowo’s various flagship programs, such as free lunch for school children.

When the group arrived, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati was in the United States. Hence, Burhan and company only met with a number of Echelon I officials.

During the


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Caecar Akbar and Savero Aristia Wienanto contributed to this article.

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