Beefing up Imports
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
MULADNO Bashar hurriedly summoned his staff to discuss a new plan: He needed to travel to India, he told them, to find new cattle suppliers.
The sense of urgency came from having watched President Joko Widodo complain, live on TV, about the soaring price of beef. "The president seemed upset. How was it that cattle imports had been reduced and now the price of beef was rising? Wouldn't it be possible to source beef elsewhere and get lower prices?" Muladno told Tempo when contacted last Thursday.
MULADNO Bashar hurriedly summoned his staff to discuss a new plan: He needed to travel to India, he told them, to find new cattle suppliers.
The sense of urgency came from having watched President Joko Widodo complain, live on TV, about the soaring price of beef. "The president seemed upset. How was it that cattle imports had been reduced and now the price of beef was rising? Wouldn't it be possible to source beef elsewhere and get lower prices?" Mul
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