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Tanoto’s Factories Under the spotlight

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Indonesia’s tax and customs team is following up reports on alleged profit shifting of a pulp company affiliated to tycoon Sukanto Tanoto. There are opportunities to re-check tax amnesty documents.

arsip tempo : 172206911675.

The process of making paper at an APRIL Group’s factory in Riau/ tempo : 172206911675.

THE meeting on Thursday, November 12, went on for three hours. That afternoon, on the fifth floor of the Mar’ie Muhammad building—headquarters of the Tax Directorate General—the Tax Justice Forum (FPB) group met face-to-face with the host, headed by Yustinus Prastowo, expert staffer of the finance ministry, and Poltak John Liberty Hutagaol, director for international taxation. “The minister (Sri Mulyani Indrawati) asked th


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