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Speeding up Sugar Self-Sufficiency

Monday, October 24, 2022

The government is formulating a presidential regulation to fast-track sugar self-sufficiency. The SOEs Ministry is fusing sugar mills into Sugar Co to boost production. However, the import facility given to PTPN III sparks allegations of monopoly.

arsip tempo : 1722048786100.

Workers use a tractor to plant sugarcane seedlings at the state-operated Temugiring plantation in Batankrajan, Mojokerto, East Java, October 10. The state-owned enterprises (SOEs) ministry, through the state plantation firm PTPN X, is aiming to achieve sugar self-sufficiency to help support national food resilience. Antara/Umarul Faruq . tempo : 1722048786100.

A TEMPORARY gazebo was set up at Temugiring sugarcane plantation in Gedeg subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. It would serve as a platform for President Joko Widodo to deliver his speech from. On Monday noon, October 10, Jokowi was scheduled to visit and check out the milling season at Gempolkerep Sugar Factory, located not far from the plantation. It was one of the moments marking the government’s efforts in achieving a target to be


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