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Rice Supply Mark-Up

Monday, December 5, 2022

Bulog and the agriculture ministry have differing claims on rice data. Bulog claims there is a shortage of stock, while the agriculture ministry says rice supply is safe. Entrepreneurs are asked to meet targets they cannot afford.

arsip tempo : 172205164862.

Workers store sacks of rice at a government’s rice warehouse in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, November 25. The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is struggling to meet the targeted 1.2 million tons of national rice stock by the end of this year. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan . tempo : 172205164862.

FOR a month now, Wiwid and a number of other rice mill owners in Sragen, Central Java, have been scrambling to look for rice supplies. They are asked to fill in the rice stock of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog), which has started to deplete.

Under the banner of Was Wutah, Wiwid and dozens of entrepreneurs signed a contract with Bulog on November 3 to supply 8,500 tons of rice. But as of Saturday, December 3, they have not been able to meet ha


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