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Big Losses of Kimia Farma’s Joint Venture Plant

Monday, July 1, 2024

The government discharged the CEO of Kimia Farma following the company’s big losses. It was the aftermath of inefficient joint venture manufacturing operation.

arsip tempo : 172018211069.

A Kimia Farma pharmacy in Salemba, Jakarta, June 3. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan . tempo : 172018211069.

DAVID Utama hurried towards the black Toyota Alphard parked in the lobby of the Indonesia Health Learning Institute (IHLI) owned by the Bio Farma Group. It was Tuesday afternoon, June 25. David, who had just relinquished his position as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kimia Farma, dressed in a black polo shirt and khaki pants, unlike the other Kimia Farma directors who wore their company uniforms.

Earlier that day, the annual general meeti


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