The 10th Maybank Marathon Goes Lively
Monday, August 29, 2022
The raindrops along the route did not discourage the 10,000 runners. Elementary school students presenting cultural attractions jazzed up the festivities of Maybank Marathon 2022. #Infotempo
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Around 10,000 runners filled the Bali Safari, Gianyar Regency, on Sunday morning, August 28, 2022. They got ready behind the starting line before the sun came up. As soon as the chessboard-patterned flag was hoisted, the participants immediately ran with full enthusiasm to win a total prize of IDR 2.7 billion for 118 winners, including record-breakers. The atmosphere became livelier when a series of fireworks accompanied the runners' departure.
This flag-off activity was divided into several groups. The Marathon category (42.195 km) started earliest, at 04.30 WITA. Then, the Half Marathon category (21.0975 km) at 05.15 WITA and the 10K category at 06.00 WITA. Meanwhile, the Wheelchair category started at 06.10 WITA.
The participants ran along the Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra Street, then turned onto district and village roads, including Blahbatu District, Saba Village, Pering Village, and Medahan Village. These areas offer stunning views. Rice fields, Balinese architectural buildings, and the warm welcome from the villagers adds the enthusiasm of the Maybank Marathon participants.
Apart from the villagers, dozens of students from several elementary schools, including SD Ketewel 1 and SD Ketewel 6, lined up on the roadside to sing, dance, and display Balinese cultural attractions, thus adding to the liveliness of this marathon event. "Keep going, you’ve got this!" cheered the elementary students to the contestants. Even though it was raining throughout the race, all participants ran full of enthusiasm. The country roads were full of runners.
According to the Operations Director of Maybank Indonesia, Widya Permana, the participants' interest was seen since the registration closed last July to anticipate the number of participants. "We see the high enthusiasm of runners at the Maybank Marathon 2022. This can be seen from the number of participants which is relatively same as the event before the pandemic. In particular, in the current recovery period, the government, both central and local, makes it easier for tourists and participants of the 2022 Maybank Marathon to visit Bali,” he said during a press conference, Saturday, August 27.
In addition to offering the natural beauty and culture of Bali, the Maybank Marathon 2022, which has entered a decade of journey, is getting more prestigious. The Maybank Marathon has become part of the World Athletics' “Elite Label” road race. In this year event, there were 10 elite international runners and 9 national athletes.
Gerhad and Andhika, employees of the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Denpasar, admitted that they were very enthusiastic about participating in the Maybank Marathon 2022. "Our company got a slot for 10 people. I registered right away though I might not win anything, just participating. This is an international event, so it will be a valuable experience for me," said Gerard to Tempo, before the start.
Diah Desianti, Herry Buchory, Yani A., and Lela Harahap expressed similar enthusiasm. They said they are 62-65 years old and members of the NiniAki community from Bandung. "We participate almost every year in the Maybank Marathon. Even though we are grandmothers who have grandchildren, we work hard in running practice," said Diah. These young-at-heart seniors joined the 10K category.
To ensure the safety of participants from all backgrounds and ages, the committee was assisted by 850 police personnels from the Bali Regional Police and about 450 pecalang from residents around Gianyar Regency. The committee also deployed 850 marshals and around 180 paramedical teams, as well as 26 ambulance units, consisting of 11 ambulances, 15 motorbikes, and one ambulance with Emergency Installation standards, along the running route.
“As the organizer of the Maybank Marathon, Maybank Indonesia expresses our appreciation and gratitude to all parties who have provided support for the Maybank Marathon 2022 this year. The success of the Maybank Marathon so far cannot be separated from the great contribution of the Bali Provincial Government, the Bali Regional Police, the Bali Province Indonesian Red Cross, sponsors, the local community, and various other parties," said Widya gratefully. (*)