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PNM Trains SMK Students to Become Young Entrepreneurs

Monday, September 12, 2022

The entrepreneur ratio in Indonesia is only 3.1 percent of the entire population. Training for SMK students can bring out the entrepreneurial spirit of the youth. #Infotempo

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A training and competition program given to all vocational students throughout Indonesia on entrepreneurship in the Madani Entrepreneur Academy (MEA) program provided by PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) in collaboration with the Micro Madani Institute (MMI).. tempo : 173459932063.

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) works together with Micro Madani Institute (MMI) to conduct a Madani Entrepreneur Academy (MEA) program. This program organizes training and competition about entrepreneurship for SMK students all over Indonesia. 

MEA that has been running for three years is an Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program from PNM in education sector. MEA provides training with three main pillars, which are training, implementation, and young entrepreneur competition. MEA also uses an experiential learning method in their learning process so that it can build a fun learning with a thick competitive atmosphere.

There are two main programs in MEA. First, the MEA class which contains 100 teams. Second, the MEA competition which will put 10 teams in the semifinal and 5 teams in the grand final.

This training aims to change the SMK students’ mindset from a young age, as well as to introduce the entrepreneurship and develop their potentials.

“Indonesia needs at least more than four million new entrepreneurs to strengthen the economic structure. Today, the entrepreneur ratio in this country is only around 3.1 percent of the entire population. This program is hoped to be one of the best PNM programs that is in accordance with PNM vision to be a company that develops the business,” said the PNM Director of Operations.

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