Caring for the Environment, PNM Invites People to Clean Their Villages

Monday, September 26, 2022

This action to care for the environment is a manifestation of PNM's commitment to the priority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program related to climate change.#InfoTempo

arsip tempo : 174188692965.

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) clean-up activity with villagers and PNM Mekaar customers in Selorejo Village, Malang Regency, East Java, 24-25 September 2022.. tempo : 174188692965.

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) together with villagers and PNM Mekaar customers carried out village cleaning and socialization about waste management in Selorejo Village, Malang Regency, East Java. They also planted 1,000 gondang, banyan, duwet and cherry trees in the village on September 24 and 25.

Planting the tree is a Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) of PNM in collaboration with Tursina MAPALA (Students’ Nature Loving Organization). This action to care for the environment is a manifestation of PNM's commitment to the priority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program related to climate change. It is hoped that this tree planting activity will have a positive impact on the environment in Malang Regency, especially in Selorejo Village.

"It is hoped that this action to care for the environment in the long term can also provide economic and social value for the community from the benefits of the trees planted today," said Head of Management and Partnership Services Division of PNM, Mira Damayanti Hardjono.

In addition to the tree planting, PNM also donated garbage carts. "The garbage cart donation is also a form of support from PNM to the residents of Selorejo Village for waste management so that it can be managed even better," she said. 

The symbolic distribution of the donation was conducted by Mira Damayanti Hardjono with Yusril Ardiansyah, PNM’s Malang Branch Manager and Sanusi, a Malang Regent. The ceremony was also attended by Wahyu Hidayat, the Regional Secretary of Malang Regency, Ferli Hidayat as Chief of Malang Regency Police Department, Hadi Sucipto as Head of Dau District, and Bambang Soponyono as Head of Selorejo Village.

PNM has disbursed financing of 141.61 trillion IDR to PNM Mekaar's 12.7 million customers as of September 23, 2022. Currently, PNM has 4186 service offices throughout Indonesia serving MSMEs in 34 provinces, 443 regencies and cities, and 5640 districts.

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