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Erick Thohir encourages Rumah BUMN to penetrate global market through INACRAFT 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023

INACRAFT is an opportunity for SOEs-assisted MSMEs to showcase their quality products.

arsip tempo : 172207016391.

INACRAFT is an opportunity for SOEs-assisted MSMEs to showcase their quality products.. tempo : 172207016391.

SOEs Minister Erick Thohir encourages Rumah BUMN to penetrate the global market through INACRAFT 2023, so that they can continue to help MSMEs. This statement was conveyed by Special Staff Arya Sinulingga.

"INACRAFT is an opportunity for BUMN-assisted MSMEs to show off their quality products while increasing their capacity," said Arya when visiting the BUMN House booth at INACRAFT 2023.

There are 11 SOEs participating in this activity which are Angkasa Pura II, BSI, BRI, Mandiri, PNM, Pupuk Indonesia, PLN, Jasa Raharja, KAI, Telkom, and PTPN III. Various kinds of MSME products curated by SOEs are offered to domestic and foreign communities who enthusiastically visit INACRAFT 2023. 

INACRAFT is one of the most anticipated craft exhibitions. Apart from being a great promotional tool, it is also a place for interaction and information exchange on product trends, especially in the local craft industry.

Ani, an ecoprint entrepreneur from Madiun, said she was happy to participate in this year's INACRAFT. She got this opportunity because she is a SOEs-assisted MSME. "This is an opportunity for me to be more advanced, creative, and also learn to read the market so that I can find opportunities from various types of consumers," she said.

The participation of Rumah BUMN in the INACRAFT 2023 exhibition is a concrete support of the Ministry of BUMN in efforts to expand the MSME market so that they can compete with other quality products in the global market.

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