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Indonesian Heritage Objects to Go Home

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

In a landmark statement in October, a Dutch state council urged for the unconditional return of heritage objects looted from its former colonies, including Indonesia. The Dutch government plans to pour the advice into policy in early 2021.

arsip tempo : 172206934668.

The copper canon presented by Turkey to the Sultan of Aceh in the 17th century, in Bronbeek Museum, Arnhem, Netherlands. The canon was taken and shipped to the Netherlands from Aceh in 1875 as a ‘war trophy’./ fotografie tbv website Museum Bronbeek. tempo : 172206934668.

WHAT was stolen must be returned,” was the message of Lilian Gonçalves, who chaired the Dutch Council for Culture (Raad voor Cultuur) in a report Colonial Collections and the Admission of Injustice. Gonçalves spoke in early October during the report’s presentation in The Hague to Culture and Education Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven, who requested the advice.

The report underlined that “the recognition of injustic


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