Demands Cannot Be Met without Cost Sharing
Monday, April 12, 2021
State Health Care and Social Security Agency’s (BPJS Kesehatan) CEO Ali Ghufron Mukti revealed that his agency was still in the red with a deficit of Rp6.3 trillion as of December 2020. The increased premiums starting last January coupled with the decline in the use of BPJS services during the pandemic are expected to help reduce the deficit. Given the pandemic as a non-natural disaster, the government has borne coronavirus treatment costs. Ghufron said that to increase public’s participation, BPJS Kesehatan was exploring an innovative funding mechanism via cooperation with philanthropic institutions with the hope to help fund prospective National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) holders or even assist settle arrears. This way, the entire population will eventually have access to health care.
THE Covid-19 pandemic is like a double-edged sword for the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). It has ravaged the economy rendering the public unable to pay the premiums. On the other hand, it also discouraged people to go to hospitals unless absolutely necessary. Consequently, the number of claims dropped significantly reducing the burden on the agency. “For sure, the cash flow is now better given the decreased use (of
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