Red-and-White Vaccine Can be Manufactured in 2022
Monday, August 9, 2021
Galvanized by alarming spikes in numbers of positive cases and deaths resulting from the Delta variant of Covid-19, Bio Farma is accelerating the production of Covid-19 vaccines. Yet, vaccine stocks remain stagnant with uneven distribution in many regions. With a production capacity of up to 6 million doses per week or 250 million doses a year, Bio Farma’s CEO Honesti Basyir hopes that the company can fulfill the country’s vaccine need.
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HONESTI Basyir, 53, is racing against time. The government’s target to speed up vaccination in the regions has impelled Bio Farma, the state-owned pharmaceutical company Honesti leads, to beef up Sinovac vaccine production capacity to its maximum, which is 250 million doses annually. “At the same time, we are also adding production capacity for (state-promoted) vaccine or Merah Putih (Red-and-White) vaccine,” said the Chief Exec
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