Adei's Shrinking Indictment
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Four employees who had been engrossed in discussion near the receptionist desk at Adei Plantation & Industry's Pekanbaru office hastily parted ways. They did not take kindly to questions about their boss, who was facing legal action. "Our leader isn't in," security guard Apriyon told Tempo on Wednesday two weeks ago.
But a little news about the executive was whispered by another employee. "Our boss has been detained," the middle-aged man said. But he too refused to elaborate on his boss' position.
Four employees who had been engrossed in discussion near the receptionist desk at Adei Plantation & Industry's Pekanbaru office hastily parted ways. They did not take kindly to questions about their boss, who was facing legal action. "Our leader isn't in," security guard Apriyon told Tempo on Wednesday two weeks ago.
But a little news about the executive was whispered by another employee. "Our boss has been detained," the middle-aged man said. But he
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