Black Market on the High Seas
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
LATELY, reporters have followed Rosnendya Wisnu Wardhana everywhere. They trail him from his house at the Puri Legenda Batam Center in Batam, Riau Islands, to his Nayadam outlets, where he sells bikang rice cakes in assorted flavors. The journalists inquire not about his stock, but about his wife, Niwen Khairiah.
Niwen has been detained in Jakarta by the National Police's criminal investigation unit (Bareskrim) since August 27. She was arrested over her suspicious bank account, whose transactions total a staggering Rp1.3 trillion. The police believe the account has links to oil smuggling and money laundering.
LATELY, reporters have followed Rosnendya Wisnu Wardhana everywhere. They trail him from his house at the Puri Legenda Batam Center in Batam, Riau Islands, to his Nayadam outlets, where he sells bikang rice cakes in assorted flavors. The journalists inquire not about his stock, but about his wife, Niwen Khairiah.
Niwen has been detained in Jakarta by the National Police's criminal investigation unit (Bareskrim) since August 27. She was arrested ove
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