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Online Gambling Masquerading as Investment

Monday, March 7, 2022

The police arrests Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz for the binary option Binomo investment fraud. It is affiliated with a company in a tax haven country.

arsip tempo : 172205067591.

The defendant in the case of the Binomo application, Indra Kesuma or Indra Kenz (center) before questioning at the Police Criminal Investigation Department, Jakarta, February 24. Indra Krenz is suspected of conducting fraudulent investment fraud in the Binomo binary options trading application. ANTARA FOTO/Reno Esnir . tempo : 172205067591.

THE Telegram group “Binary Affiliate Victims” was jubilant on Friday, February 25. This was because the police had arrested Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz. All of the group’s 9,913 members—affiliates of binary option investment schemes—commented on the arrest of that 26-year-old from Medan, North Sumatra.  

A binary option investment refers to a gambling scheme on an application where people guess


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